90% Success Rate

Scrambler Therapy® Technology was originally developed in Italy for treatment of chronic, neuropathic and oncologic pain resistant to opiates, anti-seizure medications, intravenous anesthetics and other forms of treatment. Scrambler Therapy® is a noninvasive, non-pharmaceutical approach to pain therapy. It is a new and revolutionary medical treatment with a 90% success rate for chronic and neuropathic pain.*

The Scrambler or MC-5A FDA 510 (K) cleared standalone unit is similar in appearance to an electrocardiogram device. An M.D. or D.O. certified in Scrambler Therapy can correctly identify placement sites for treatment. The Scrambler device resembles an electrocardiogram medical device in appearance. It has five electrodes the physician places on non-painful tissue near the site of pain but never on the site of pain.

It uses an electrocutaneous method (electrodes/leads on the skin) to comfortably stimulate (like a vibration) surface receptors on normal tissue that correspond to a dermatome type. This signal from normal tissue communicates a “non-pain” signal to the brain via the central nervous system that is specific to each individual. This signal is a synthetic signal of “non-pain” that the brain now recognizes as “normal self” because it travels the same pathways on the central nervous system that previously carried the “pain” message. It is for this reason, the inventor Giuseppe Marineo Ph.D., Dsc from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy thought the name “Scrambler Therapy” was the most appropriate one.

Retraining Your Brain

A series of Scrambler treatments are required to retrain the brain via the central nervous system so the brain learns to recognize a “non-pain” signal. Through a process termed plasticity, Scrambler Therapy is able to retrain the brain so that it no longer recognizes chronic pain information to the brain. Nerves that formerly transmitted chronic pain information are now sending signals of “non-pain” to the brain.

It is important to understand that Scrambler Therapy® is not just a scrambler medical device used by any non-certified health professional to provide pain therapy. The success from Scrambler Therapy is statistically very high but strictly dependent on the correct usage and compliance to the original standards prescribed by the inventor or taught at a Site of Excellence e.g. PCCofID. http://www.st-team.eu/authorized-training-centers.htm

Scrambler Therapy® should be administered by an M.D. or D.O. qualified to identify the pain, know correct placement sites for the electrodes/ leads, be able to diagnose and work with the diagnoses from other physicians.


The recommendation is for 6 to 10 consecutive treatments over a two week period of time. After the treatment series has stopped pain relief can be expected to last for up to 3-6 months or longer depending on the injury or underlying condition.* If the pain should return and in order to maintain continuity of care, the patient should return as soon as possible to our clinic for a shorter series of booster treatments. The goal of booster treatments is to have longer periods of being pain free.

It is also very important that the patient follows physician instructions regarding medication, activity and diet in order to gain the maximum effect from the Therapy for the longest pain free period.

Are you ready to try Scrambler Therapy in Boise? Contact us to schedule an appointment.

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