Pain Care Clinic of Idaho, P.C. named for excellence and training in Scrambler Therapy®
Giuseppe Marineo Ph.D., DSc the inventor of Scrambler Therapy® and biophysicist at Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy has certified Pain Care Clinic of Idaho, P.C. as the first Center in the U.S. to have the Certificate of Conformity to the Scrambler Therapy® Quality System.
Dr. Edmund C. Boese M.D., D.A.B.A., D.A.B.M.A. who co-owns the center and is certified in Scrambler Therapy® and has also been certified as a trainer for Scrambler Therapy®. Training through our center is to guarantee physicians maintain a GOLD STANDARD established for Scrambler Therapy®. These original standards are to guarantee the highest rate of success, including the ST-NET support, a clinical “intelligent” network based on a dedicated software designed exclusively for Scrambler Therapy®. This software informs the physician in “real time” of possible critical factors, designated protocols and monitors parameters that guarantee a quality system for certified Scrambler Therapy Centers.
Giuseppe Marineo Ph.D., DSc, Inventor of Scrambler Therapy® said, ” In my research… I saw the worst type of pain known in medicine “neuropathic” pain. When Dr. Marineo was asked to attend a meeting with patients experiencing neuropathic pain he stated, “I accepted the invitation and seeing so many suffering and hopeful people, I decided because there was no effective cure for this type of pain, didn’t necessarily mean that one couldn’t be found.” THIS WAS THE BIRTH OF SCRAMBLER THERAPY®.
Scrambler Therapy® and How It Works
Scrambler Therapy® uses the stand-alone MC-5A FDA 510 (K) cleared medical device. It has the appearance of an electrocardiogram medical device. Scrambler Therapy® is a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical approach to pain therapy. A certified physician (MD or DO) uses the Scrambler medical device to administer Scrambler Therapy. It is an electrocutaneous method where the physician must identify and correctly place the electrodes/leads on the skin to comfortably stimulate (like a vibration) surface receptors on normal tissue (corresponding to dermatome type) nearthe site of pain but never on the site of pain. The information transmitted from these receptors from normal tissue now communicate a “non-pain” message via the central nervous system to the brain.
The signal of “pain” is replaced with a synthetic one of “non-pain” from these corresponding receptors specific to each individual. The “non-pain” information is now recognized by the brain as “normal self” because it travels on the same pathways that previously carried the “pain” message in the central nervous system. It is for this reason, the inventor thought the name “Scrambler Therapy” was the most appropriate one.
During the therapy the original pain condition should be replaced with a no-pain experience. After each consecutive treatment the patient is asked to keep a record for up to 8 hours of when the pain returns and intensity level. Repetitive days of treatments are required until the brain learns to recognize a “non-pain” signal. When the patient is pain free for 48 hours the treatments are stopped. The recommendation is for 10 consecutive treatments over two weeks.
*Pain relief can be expected for months after the treatments have stopped depending on injury or underlying condition, usually between 3-6 months or longer in some cases. If the pain should return and in order to maintain continuity of care, the patient should return to our clinic for a shorter series of booster treatments. If a patient begins to experience any return of pain he/she should come in as soon as possible for a booster/s which usually takes care of the pain. The goal of booster treatments if needed, is to lengthen the time periods of no pain.
Scrambler Therapy® Technology MC-5A
DIS&L through its law firm is the only company authorized to sign international agreements in all international areas, provide maintenance and distributor support for method usage training and other logistic needs.
EXCLUSIVE DIS&L REPRESENTATIVE FOR SCRAMBLER THERAPY® DEVICE IN THE U.S.: Richard J. Erickson, Advanced Pain Solutions, Inc, U.S. Domestic Operations 6419 Hirondel Street, Houston, TX 77087 406-249-0424 Cell, 406-862-2016 Fax,
If you or your loved one is struggling, contact us today to get your free consultation and begin your journey to being pain free.
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