About Us Old

meet the doctor

Meet the Doctor

At Pain Care Clinic of Idaho, you will have a one on one consultation with Dr. Boese to evaluate your condition and with you, determine what treatment plan would work best. He is a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and Harvard trained Medical Acupuncturist. Click the link below to learn more about Dr. Boese.

Meet the Doctor

meet the team

Meet the Team

Our team is compassionate and professional. We know your care begins the moment you pick up the phone or set foot inside our doors. Each person on our team is dedicated to your satisfaction and happiness, and is passionate about improving your quality of life. You, the patient, are our team’s top priority. Click the link below to meet the team.

Meet the Team

patient reviews

Patient Reviews

Patient Experiences are important to us at Pain Care Clinic of Idaho, P.C. We listen to our patients because each symptom experienced is an important clue leading to the successful treatment of their condition. Click below to read the stories compiled from actual patients who have been treated at Pain Care Clinic of Idaho.

Read Patient Reviews

patient forms

Patient Forms

Thank You for choosing Pain Care Clinic Of Idaho P.C.. Before we can get started on helping you, Our staff needs to understand your needs as a patient. We encourage you to fill out the following New Patient Forms for our records before your first session. Click below to find our new patient forms and instructions.

Patient Forms